


Get help with remortgaging your property



Remortgaging involves switching your mortgage to a new product with a new lender

Knowing which remortgage deal is best for you can be a headache. With so many deals out there to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? At The Mortgage Shop, our experienced advisors will research the whole market to find the best deal for you and can help to arrange your remortgage.

We will search the market for you to find the most appropriate deal for you today.

Contact us to discuss your options.


There are many reasons for remortgaging:

a. To Save Money.

If you are currently paying your existing lenders standard variable rate you may be able to secure a better rate with them. Alternatively if your existing lender is unable to offer a better rate we can help you look at the options of switching to another lender.

b. Debt Consolidation.

By remortgaging you may be able to consolidate your debts by releasing some of the equity in your property to reduce your monthly outgoings, although you may pay interest over a longer period

c. To Raise Money.

You may be able to release some of the equity from your property to pay for major outgoings such as home improvements, schools fees and to purchase an investment property.


Our remortgaging promise:

Talk to us to discuss your options and to go through the steps and costs involved.

 + We will help you to look for a better interest rate

+ We will only advise you to switch if it's better in the long run

+ We will provide clear guidance on the pros and cons

+ We will offer clear options tailored to you

+ We will tell you if it's not worth switching


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